610 Scientific Articles Confirm Safety of Food and Feeds Derived from Genetically Modified Crops
ChileBio published a listing of scientific papers which have evaluated the safety of foods derived from GM crops. As of this writing, there are already 610 articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Analysis of the published articles along with tests required by …
ChileBio published a listing of scientific papers which have evaluated the safety of foods derived from GM crops. As of this writing, there are already 610 articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Analysis of the published articles along with tests required by countries regulating GM crops represent evidence that the global scientific community can use to support that foods derived from GM crops are safe to human and animal consumption.
The list at http://chilebio.cl/documentos/Publicaciones.pdf contains original papers that can be found in scientific databases such as PubMed or in Web of Science.
Source: http://www.isaaa.org/kc/cropbiotechupdate/article/default.asp?ID=11295