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Biotech has made India net exporter of cotton

SME Times- Biotechnology has made India a net exporter of BT Cotton from being an importer, with production nearly doubling to 510 kg per hectare from 225 kg over a decade ago, an industry player said Monday.

Burkina Faso`s Cotton output increases by 57% dueto GM

According to Burkina Faso National Cotton Producers Union (UNPCB), Burkina Fasos cotton output for 2012 (which includes January 2013) has increased by 57.5 percent due to higher number of farmers who adopt genetically modified (GM) cotton.

IRRI unpdates on its GM rice research

According to the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), rice, compared with other major crops such as corn (maize) or wheat has an extraordinarily diverse genetic resource base that spreads across at least ...

Scientists explain how salt impedes plant growth

Scientists at the Carnegie Institution discovered that not all roots of plants are equally inhibited by salt. In their paper published in the current issue of The Plant Cell, they reported that an inner layer of tissue in the branching roots is sensitive to salt, which activates ...

How Private Is Your Genome?

Gen-News-Highlights, Researchers from the Whitehead Institute needed just a computer, an Internet connection, and publicly accessible online resources to identify nearly 50 individuals who had submitted personal genetic material as participants in genomic studies.

GM crops increase biodiversity

Scientists in China have published a research study reporting that transgenic cotton bred to resist pests actually boosts biodiversity since it reduces the amount of insecticide sprayed on fields. The researchers have collected data from 1990 to 2010 at 36 sites in six provinces of northern China and ...

Top 5 Coolest Scientific Finds and Accomplishments of 2012

News softpedia- Scientists are well known for their restless minds and for their eagerness to constantly push the boundaries of human knowledge. Therefore, it need not surprise anybody that these past twelve months were filled with major scientific breakthroughs, some of which can be labeled as “cool,” to say the…

New Form of Human Cell Division Discovered

GEN News Highlights-Scientists at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center report the discovery of a novel type of cell division in human cells. They believe it serves as a natural back-up mechanism during faulty cell division.

Bacteria That Causes Obesity Discovered

Chinese scientists have linked obesity to bacteria suggesting diets that alter the presence of microbes in humans could combat the condition. Researchers in Shanghai found that...

GMOs to be Commercialized in Iran in the Next Five Years

The 18th FAO e-mail conference, entitled "GMOs in the pipeline: Looking to the next five years in the crop, forestry, livestock, aquaculture and agro-industry sectors in developing countries", was officially closed on Dec. 3, 2012. FAO established this Biotechnology Forum in order to ...