Journal of Plant Genetic Engineering (JPGE)
The Journal of Plant Genetic Engineering (JPGE) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal focusing on plant genetic engineering theories, methods and subsequent applications, including plant breeding, plant pathology and plant physiology.

The Journal of Plant Genetic Engineering (JPGE) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal focusing on plant genetic engineering theories, methods and subsequent applications, including plant breeding, plant pathology and plant physiology. This journal will be published by Biosafety society of Iran and Rice /Citrus research center of Sari University.
The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. All articles published in JPGE will be fully reviewed by three reviewers.
The whole manuscript, including the text, tables, and figures, all in a single Microsoft Word file, must be submitted as E-mail attachment to the JPGE secretarial office at An identification code will be assigned to each manuscript and mailed to the corresponding author within 72 hours.
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