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A novel educational cartoon featuring two characters, "Mandy" and "Fanny" is off the press. It illustrates the attributes of biotech/genetically modified (GM) crops, and discusses how they are gaining rapid adoption, increasing income and impacting the lives of millions of farmers and consumers worldwide.


The Annual Meeting of the Biotechnology Information Center (BIC) was held on April 4 to 6, 2011 at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Dr. Paul Teng, Dean of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning at NIE and vice chair of ISAAA welcomed the participants and…

Modern Vaccine and Adjuvant Production and Characterization

Vaccine production technology has evolved from using agents produced in animal tissue, eggs, and cultures to the use of virus-like particles (VLP). Challenges remain, however, in the analysis of key parameters for all types of vaccines.

Scientists Generate Alzheimer-Relevant Neurons from hESCs and iPSCs

U.S. researchers claim to have generated functional basal forebrain cholinergic neurons from human embryonic stem cells (hESC). This is the type of nerve cell that is killed off early in Alzheimer disease, causing the characteristic memory loss. The team, from Northwestern University Medical School, also demonstrated…

Prof. Anwar Nasim Receives BioAsia-2011 Award!

World distinguished Pakistani scientist, widely credited for being father of biotechnology in Pakistan, Dr Anwar Nasim has been selected as Winner of BioAsia-2011 Award. Valedictory Ceremony in his honor is being held on 24 February in Hyderabad in India.

Journal of Plant Genetic Engineering (JPGE)

The Journal of Plant Genetic Engineering (JPGE) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal focusing on plant genetic engineering theories, methods and subsequent applications, including plant breeding, plant pathology and plant physiology.